
【学习】How To Say Punctuation Marks in English and Chinese 如何说标点符号

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Punctuation [ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeʃən] 标点符号 (biāo diǎn fú hào) is vital to any student of any language… especially for writing and grammar efficiency! You’d be surprised how useful many of these will be in your life.

So here’s how to say some of the most common punctuation marks in American English and Chinese… really impress your teachers! Any that we’re missing?

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period [ˈpɪrɪəd]
句号 jù hào 


comma [ˈkɒmə]
逗号 dòu hào 


question mark [ˈkwɛstʃən mɑrk]
问号 wèn hào


exclamation mark [ˌɛkskləˈmeʃən mɑrk]
感叹号 gǎn tàn hào


colon [ˈkoʊlən]
冒号 mào hào


semicolon [ˈsemikoʊlən]
分号 fēn hào

hyphen [ˈhaɪfən]
(dash [dæʃ])
连号 lián hào


underscore [ˌʌndərˈskɔ:(r)]
下划线符号 xià huá xiàn fú hào


at sign [æt saɪn] “at”
艾特符号 ài tè fú hào


hashtag [hæʃtæɡ]
(pound sign [paʊnd saɪn])

井号 jǐng hào


dollar sign [ˈdɑlɚ saɪn]
美元符号 měi yuán fú hào


RMB (yuan) symbol [ju’ɑn ‘sɪmb(ə)l]
人民币符号 rén mín bì fú hào


percent sign [pɚˈsɛnt saɪn]
百分号 bǎi fēn hào


ampersand [ˈæmpərsænd]
和号 hé hào

’ or ‘

apostrophe [əˈpɑ:strəfi]
撇号 piě hào

“ ”

quotation marks [kwoˈteʃən mɑrk]
引号 yǐn hào

‘ ’

single quotes [ˈsɪŋɡəl kwot]
单引号 dān yǐn hào

( )

parentheses [pə’renθəsi:z]
括号 kuò hào


asterisk [ˈæstəˌrɪsk]
星号 xīng hào


tilde [ˈtɪldə]
波浪符号 bō làng fú hào

ellipsis [ɪˈlɪpsɪs]
省略符号 shěng luè fú hào


plus sign [plʌs saɪn]
加号 jiā hào

minus sign [ˈmaɪnəs saɪn]
减号 jiǎn hào


times sign [taɪmz saɪn]
(multiplication sign [ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeʃən saɪn])
乘号 chéng hào


division sign [dɪˈvɪʒən saɪn]
除号 chú hào


equal sign [ˈikwəl saɪn]
等号 děng hào

[ ]

brackets [brækəts]
方括号 fāng kuò hào

{ }

braces [b’reɪsɪz]
大括弧符号 dà kuò hú fú hào

< >

angle brackets [ˈæŋɡəl ˈbrækɪt]
尖括号 jiān kuò hào


caret [‘kærət]
插入符号 chā rù fú hào


forward slash [ˈfɔrwəd slæʃ]
斜杠符号 xié gàng fú hào


backslash [ˈbækˌslæʃ]
反斜杠符号 fǎn xié gàng fú hào


interrobang [ɪn’terəˌbæŋ]
问叹号 wèn tàn hào


But do you know how to use all of these correctly in a sentence? Show your prowess in the comments below… let’s see who can use the most punctuation in a single sentence.