
What is Wechat, Anyways?

wechat app logoWechat is the #1 chat app out there today, with most all the features of Facebook, Instagram, and Skype combined, so why don’t you have it? And do you know how to use it if you had it?

Maybe you use Whatsapp, Line, Viber, Kakao, Messenger, or one of a half dozen other chat apps out there today. You use them to talk with your friends and family… but why? Those are not as secure or private as Wechat. And they don’t do as many cool or convenient things.


Having Wechat on your phone really takes the stress out of connecting to foreign social media sites everyday or discovering that your favorite chat app is now blocked in China. Or if you have a loved one living in China at the moment, the single best way to communicate with them is Wechat.

Probably because it’s from a foreign company, Wechat was started by Tencent Holdings Ltd, most well-known for their QQ chat software but really has become China’s largest internet portal.

Why spend months learning as you go or searching for articles online on how to use each little function, when we can teach you everything you need to get started in less than 30 minutes?

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